MIKI MALÖR – Performance. Radical Theater.

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VEILING A (Social) Game; Photo: Susi MüllerFreelance Dramatic Artist
Performer • Director • Dra­maturge • Author • Object Artist • Production Man­ag­er • Coach • Trainer • Schol­ar­ship Reci­pient • Musician • Com­pos­er • Singer • Ex-Bank Em­ploy­ee • Ex-Strip­per • Atheist • Ex-Wait­ress • Ex-Music Teach­er • Ex-Wel­fare Reci­pi­ent • Clown Doctor • Div­ing In­struc­tor • Masseuse • Self-em­ployed • Award Winner • Cura­tor • Cave Diver • Retiree

P.S.: The correct spelling is ‘Miki Malör’; ‘Miky Malör’, ‘Micky Malör’, or last but not least, ‘Micky Malheur’ are more or less missed off by a mile. ;-)